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How is the vehicle's position calculated?
How is the vehicle's position calculated?

Why the tracker may not be reporting

S2L avatar
Written by S2L
Updated over a week ago

We prioritize position reports as follows:

  1. GPS Position - GPS position is calculated using the Global Positioning System, which is a network of satellites that orbit the Earth. A GPS receiver on the ground receives signals from several of these satellites and using the time it takes for the signals to travel, the receiver can determine the range to each satellite. With the range information from at least four satellites, the receiver can triangulate its position in three dimensions. The receiver uses a process called trilateration to determine its position by comparing the ranges to the satellites and determining where the ranges intersect. The receiver then calculates its latitude, longitude, and altitude based on this information.

  2. Wi-Fi Positioning - Wi-Fi position is typically calculated using a technique known as Wi-Fi positioning system (WPS) or Wi-Fi fingerprinting. This method involves measuring the signal strength of Wi-Fi access points that the device can detect and using that information to estimate its location. The device compares the measured signal strength of nearby Wi-Fi access points to a database of known access points and their locations. By matching the signal strengths to the database, the device can determine its own location. The accuracy of WPS can be improved by using additional information such as the MAC address of the access points and the number of access points detected. The technology is widely used in mobile devices to provide location-based services, such as maps and location-based search.

  3. Cell Positioning - Cell position, also known as cell-based positioning or cellular positioning, is calculated by determining the location of a device based on its connection to nearby cell towers. The process involves measuring the signal strength and timing of arrival (TOA) of the signals from multiple cell towers, and using this information to estimate the location of the device. The device then sends this information to the cellular network, which compares it to a database of known cell tower locations to calculate the device's position.

What can affect GPS positioning?

  1. Interference from other devices: GPS signals can be disrupted by other electronic devices, such as Wi-Fi routers, cell phones, and Bluetooth devices.

  2. Obstructions: Tall buildings, trees, and other physical obstructions can block or weaken GPS signals.

  3. Weather conditions: Extreme weather conditions such as heavy rain, snow, or fog can affect the propagation of GPS signals.

  4. Solar flares: Solar flares and other space weather events can disrupt GPS signals.

  5. Multipath: GPS signals can be reflected off of buildings and other surfaces, causing errors in the signal's travel time measurement.

  6. Ionosphere and Troposphere: These parts of the Earth's atmosphere can delay GPS signals, causing errors in their travel time measurement.

  7. Poor satellite geometry: When the GPS receiver is far from the visible satellites, the geometry of the satellites in the sky can become unfavourable, resulting in weaker signals and increased errors.

What can affect Wi-Fi positioning?

  1. Physical barriers: walls, ceilings, furniture, and other physical obstructions can weaken or block Wi-Fi signals.

  2. Distance from router: the further away from the Wi-Fi router, the weaker the signal will be.

  3. Interference from other devices: other devices using the 2.4 or 5 GHz frequency bands, such as microwave ovens and cordless phones, can interfere with Wi-Fi signals.

  4. Wireless channel congestion: Wi-Fi routers typically operate on a specific channel, and if multiple routers are using the same channel, the signals can interfere with each other and cause reduced signal strength.

What can affect Cell positioning?

  1. Physical barriers: walls, buildings, and other physical obstructions can weaken or block cell signals.

  2. Distance from cell tower: the further away from a cell tower you are, the weaker the signal will be.

  3. Network congestion: during peak hours, a large number of people using cell phones can congest the network and cause reduced signal strength.

  4. Weather conditions: heavy rain, snow, or fog can weaken or block cell signals.

  5. Terrain: hilly or mountainous areas can obstruct cell signals.

  6. Interference from other devices: devices such as microwave ovens, Bluetooth devices, and Wi-Fi routers can interfere with cell signals.

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