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Find Key
Written by Amine El Mlaheg
Updated over a week ago

Find Key

One of the most valuable features of RecovR for Keys is the ability for users to ring their key from their app in order to find it if it ever gets misplaced. With the Find Key feature, the key tag will play a sound and also flashlights to help alert the owner as to its location.

The Find Key feature can be accessed by either the half-map or the full-card views. In either case, the button will open up the Find Key page with a map shown in the top half.


  • Only the key being rung appears in the map view to give users a better view of the item they’re searching for.

  • The ring is unmuted by default.

  • The key will ring for about 30 seconds before it shuts off automatically.


Error States

Phone is Dead or Out of Range


If the battery is dead or the phone is out of range, the Find Key function is unavailable. The button is still in an enabled state, but clicking it will open an error message that says that the key tag is either out of range or has a dead battery.

Key Connected to Other Phone


An error message will also be surfaced if the key is connected to another phone.

Muting the Ring

The user can Mute the ring at any point during this flow (either before or after pressing Play) and only flashlights instead. Notice that the copy will change to reflect the fact they should be looking for flashing lights ONLY. Also, notice that the button changes state to a blue color. We want to encourage users to keep the phone unmuted to increase the likelihood of them finding their phone, and the blue color encourages them to tap while conveying that a state change has occurred.


Ending Find Key Flow

The user can stop the ring and/or flash within the app by either clicking the “pause” button OR by exiting the flow entirely by tapping the “back” button to go back to the Details view.


The user can also stop the ringing by pressing the button on the tag itself. Doing so, will also activate the “pause” function within the app, the same as if the user had pressed Pause within the app.


Lost Connection

If the connection is lost while the user is in the process of ringing the key, the card’s button will enter a deactivated state, and the copy will change to reflect that the connection has been lost. Ringing will automatically re-start when a connection is re-established.


No Key Location

The user will still be able to ring the key even if we don’t have a current location for the key or even if we’ve never had a location for the key. The key ring function will still work as outlined previously, but the map will be in a blurred state.

Note that the settings alert banner disappears on the Find Key view.

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